The Law List is published by the Law Society for the purpose of facilitating the public and members of the Law Society in identifying and locating solicitors, foreign lawyers and law firms registered with the Law Society. The personal data contained in The Law List should not be used for any other purposes. It is a criminal offence under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance to use the personal data in The Law List  for direct marketing without the data subjects' consent.

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The following is the list of representative offices of Hong Kong law firms in the Mainland:-

Search Result for (ALL) in Representative Offices of Hong Kong Law Firms in the Mainland :
Showing 31 - 60 of 87 Records
No. Firm Name (English) Firm Name (Chinese) Province
31 WHITE & CASE 偉凱律師事務所 Beijing
32 JONES DAY 眾達國際法律事務所 Shanghai
33 JONES DAY 眾達國際法律事務所 Beijing
34 SIDLEY AUSTIN 盛德律師事務所 Shanghai
35 SIDLEY AUSTIN 盛德律師事務所 Beijing
36 MAK PATRICK & TSE 麥家榮律師行 Shandong Province
37 CHAN & CO., VIVIEN 陳韻雲律師行 Beijing
38 CFN LAWYERS 陳馮吳律師事務所 Guangdong Province
39 TONG & CO., AUGUSTINE C.Y. 唐楚彥律師事務所 Guangdong Province
40 WILKINSON & GRIST 高露雲律師行 Beijing
41 K&L GATES 高蓋茨律師事務所 Beijing
42 K&L GATES 高蓋茨律師事務所 Shanghai
43 CLIFFORD CHANCE 高偉紳律師行 Beijing
44 CLIFFORD CHANCE 高偉紳律師行 Shanghai
45 OLDHAM, LI & NIE 高李嚴律師行 Shanghai
46 HOLMAN FENWICK WILLAN 夏禮文律師行 Shanghai
47 MA TANG & CO. 馬鄧律師行 Guangdong Province
48 O'MELVENY & MYERS 美邁斯律師事務所 Beijing
49 O'MELVENY & MYERS 美邁斯律師事務所 Shanghai
50 MORRISON & FOERSTER 美富律師事務所 Shanghai
51 MORRISON & FOERSTER 美富律師事務所 Beijing
52 PINSENT MASONS 品誠梅森律師事務所 Shanghai
53 PINSENT MASONS 品誠梅森律師事務所 Beijing
54 WOO KWAN LEE & LO 胡關李羅律師行 Beijing
55 WOO & CO., P.C. 胡百全律師事務所 Sichuan Province
56 WOO & CO., P.C. 胡百全律師事務所 Jiangsu Province
57 CHOW C.L. & MACKSION CHAN, SOLICITORS 周卓立陳啟球陳一理律師事務所 Guangdong Province
58 DEACONS 的近律師行 Shanghai
59 DEACONS 的近律師行 Guangdong Province
60 DEACONS 的近律師行 Beijing
Showing 31 - 60 of 87 Records
Last Update on Saturday, 27 Jul, 2024