Jimmy K.H. Chan 陳國豪 
Calvin K. Cheng 鄭偉邦
Simon J. McConnell 馬康利
Jimmy K.H. Chan 陳國豪
Calvin K. Cheng 鄭偉邦
Pak Sun Hau 侯百燊
Simon J. McConnell 馬康利
Amirali B. Nasir 黎雅明
Hin Han Shum 岑顯恆
Roden M.L. Tong 湯文龍
Christopher K.K. Yu 余國堅
Justin H.Y. Yuen 袁凱英
Paul K.Y. Chow 周冠英
Arthur K.H. Hong 康嘉灝
Stephen W.S. Hung 熊運信
Alex T.H. Lai 黎庭康
Henson Lam 林君良
Anthony T.C. Lam 林子聰
Andrew Y.B. Lee 李應彪
Davyd Wong 黃耀初
Euphemia M.S. Wong 黃文珊
Annie P.Y. Wong 黃栢欣
Director of Compliance 



To formulate and, where appropriate, to make recommendations to the Council on policy for :-
the investigation of allegations of professional misconduct and matters of compliance;
regulation of the profession;
certification of Law Costs Draftsmen;
registration of foreign law firms, foreign lawyers and associations; and
any other matters considered to warrant consideration by that body.

To monitor the work of the Conduct Section and Registration Section in carrying out such policies.
To consider and adjudicate upon allegations of professional misconduct that are of particular sensitivity, importance or complexity.
To oversee the work of and consider all requests for review of decisions of the Investigation Committees and the Consents Committee and to refer to the Council any such requests on matters of particular sensitivity, importance or complexity for ultimate decision upon review or for policy direction.
To adjudicate and issue letters of disapproval (or any other sanction authorized by the Council from time to time) in respect of matters of professional misconduct.
To oversee the administration of the authorized clerks scheme and to make recommendations to the Council from time to time.
To consider of its own motion or recommendations from Investigation Committees for submission of matters to the Tribunal Convenor of the Solicitors' Disciplinary Tribunal Panel, and to report such submissions to the Council.
To appoint prosecutors for disciplinary proceedings from either within the Secretariat or by instructing solicitors firms or barristers and to monitor the progress of those proceedings giving instructions to prosecutors from time to time.
To monitor the progress of appeals against Disciplinary Tribunal Findings and Orders and to appoint and give instructions to the Society's legal representatives.
To authorize intervention in a solicitors practice where, in the opinion of the committee, circumstances have arisen warranting the exercise of the statutory powers vested in the Council.
To exercise the power to require production of documents and to make recommendations to the Council for the exercise of the powers under S.8A of the Legal Practitioners Ordinance to suspend a solicitor from practice or foreign lawyer from registration and refer the matter to the Tribunal Convenor of the Solicitors' Disciplinary Tribunal Panel.
To make recommendations to the Council on the exercise of the powers under S.8AA of the Legal Practitioners Ordinance.
To sub-delegate any of its powers to such committees or members of the Secretariat as appropriate.
To authorize liaison with other bodies and disclosure of sensitive information to them.
To appoint accountants, investigators, agents, advisers or such other individuals or organizations as may be deemed appropriate to assist in the investigation of complaints.
To authorize the payments of fees incurred in investigations, disciplinary proceedings, appeals and interventions.
To monitor and make recommendations on expenditure in connection with the Compliance Department budget, staffing, and capital expenditure on support equipment.
To monitor statistics and trends in the work of the Conduct Section and Registration Section and to report to the Council.
To make recommendations to the Standing Committee on Standards and Development for legislative or rule changes.
To make recommendations to the Standing Committee on Practitioners Affairs on matters of concern to the profession generally.
To lay down and review from time to time the terms of reference of Investigation Committees and the Consents Committee, to review from time to time the terms of reference of the Standing Committee on Compliance and to make recommendations to Council for their amendment.
To exercise such other powers as may be delegated from time to time by the Council.