A solicitor will be required, at the time of applying for renewal of his practising certificate (usually in November), to make a statement of compliance that he has complied with the CPD requirement for the preceding CPD practice year.
A trainee solicitor will be required to make a declaration in his Form 4 Application for a Certificate of Eligibility for Admission that he has complied with the requirement of the CPD Scheme.
A false or incorrect statement may constitute professional misconduct and may lead to disciplinary actions.
The Society may conduct random checks to ensure compliance with mandatory CPD requirements.
The Society may:
- request sight of a practitioner’s CPD training record at any time;
- require a practitioner to produce such information relating to his participation in the CPD Scheme as may be specified; and
require a practitioner to attend the Society in person and furnish such additional evidence as to participation in the CPD Scheme as may be required.
All practitioners must keep their CPD training record for 2 CPD practice years after the period to which it relates for auditing purposes. If the CPD points recorded involve CPD point(s) carried over from previous CPD practice years, the CPD training records for the relevant CPD practice years must also be retained as supporting evidence for audit purposes.