For solicitor members whose names are marked with an "", they have been restored to the Roll of Solicitors within the current practice year.

Details of JIANG QIAN
Name (English) JIANG QIAN
Name (Chinese) 蔣 謙
Admission in Hong Kong 05/2019
Holding Current Practising Certificate
Admission in Other Jurisdiction(s)
Jurisdiction Admission
NEW YORK (USA) 07/2008
Post Partner
Firm/Company (English) ASHURST HONG KONG
Firm/Company (Chinese) 亞司特律師事務所
Address (English) 42/F & SUITES 4312-4317 & 4304A 43/F JARDINE HOUSE, 1 CONNAUGHT PLACE, CENTRAL, HONG KONG
Address (Chinese) 香港 中環康樂廣場1號 怡和大廈42樓及43樓4304A及4312-4317室
Telephone 2846-8989
Fax 2868-0898