The "Laws in the Greater Bay Area" Seminar Series is one of the initiatives proposed at the Joint Meeting for Lawyers Associations in the Greater Bay Area, which aims to promote the exchange of professional and practical legal experience among lawyers in the three regions. Hosted by the Law Society, the first event on 8 May focused on real estate law and was hosted by Mr. Neville Cheng, Vice-Chairman of the Greater China Legal Affairs Committee (GCLAC). After a welcome speech by Mr. C.M. Chan, Vice-President of the Law Society and Chairman of the GCLAC, Ms. Careen Wong, Council Member of the Law Society and member of the GCLAC, joined the representatives from Guangdong and Macau in presenting the characteristics of real estate law in the three regions. Around 110 lawyers attended the webinar.

Lawyers from Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau exchanged views on legal matters in land policies and property transactions.