Vice-President Amirali Nasir and Ms Sharon Tam, who currently serve on the Commonwealth Lawyers Association (“CLA”) Council and Young Commonwealth Lawyers Association Committee respectively on behalf of the Law Society, attended the 23rd Commonwealth Law Conference (“CLC”) from 5 to 9 March 2023 in Goa, India.
Entitled “Commonwealth Lawyers - common challenges in uncommon times”, the CLC attracted around 500 participants from 50 jurisdictions. During the conference, Mr Nasir and Ms Tam were invited to share their views and experiences on trade laws, the use of technology in court, latest development in arbitration and mediation, challenges and strategies for recruitment and retention of legal talent from a Hong Kong’s perspective.
On this occasion, the Law Society signed a Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) with the CLA to further strengthen the work relationship which will provide more opportunities for professional exchanges among the respective members. The Law Society delegates have also met with conference participants from across the globe and provided with them a fuller and a complete factual account on Hong Kong.
MOU signing with the CLA.
Apart from sharing their insights at the two panels, Mr Nasir and Ms Tam took the opportunity to meet with bar leaders and legal practitioners from around the world to introduce to them the Hong Kong legal system and services, and the Law Society’s work in various areas.