21 February 2017

(for immediate release)


The Law Society notes the recent media and public attention over certain decision of the District Court and the highly critical comments targeted at the judge concerned. The Law Society does not comment on the merits of the court decision.


The Law Society recognizes the right to freedom of speech and encourages any fair, informed and reasoned discussion of issues that touch upon the administration of justice. However, the Rule of Law and the independence of the judiciary are equally important cornerstones of our society. In exercising the right to freedom of speech, respect and integrity of our judicial system should not be compromised.


As part of the Rule of Law, our courts are entrusted with administering justice. In delivering a sentence, a court must properly consider all sentencing options and pass a sentence that it considers most appropriate in all the circumstances in accordance with the law. In arriving at any decision, the detailed analysis and scrutiny are set out in the court's reasoned decision. The proper procedure for challenging a court decision is by way of an appeal. Any attempt made to bring public pressure on a judge to decide or review a case in any particular way is to be deplored as an affront to the Rule of Law and may constitute an offence of contempt.


Whilst committed to upholding the right to freedom of speech, the Law Society is confident that the Rule of Law is firmly established in Hong Kong and administered by a strong and independent judiciary.


For media enquiry, please contact Ms. Rachel So, Director of Communications and External Affairs, by phone (2846 0520) or by email adceag@hklawsoc.org.hk

About the Law Society of Hong Kong

The Law Society of Hong Kong is a professional body of solicitors in Hong Kong vested with the statutory powers to regulate the professional conduct of solicitors. It establishes and promotes professional standards and the solicitors' code of conduct and practice and ensures its compliance. The Law Society assists its members to promote Hong Kong legal services and offers its views from time to time on legal issues that are of public concern. For more information, please visit: www.hklawsoc.org.hk