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Applications by Hong Kong Solicitors
1. Application Form for a Certificate of Standing by a Hong Kong Solicitor for the following purposes:

a. appointment or renewal application as a Civil Celebrant of Marriages
(Please see the Law Society's Applications for Appointment webpage for details.)
b. appointment as a Notary Public
c. appointment as a China - Appointed Attesting Officer
d. admission/registration/practising certificate in overseas jurisdictions
e. employment as government counsel in Hong Kong
f. other purposes 

2. Application Form for a Certificate of Standing for the purpose of applying for a permit from the Mainland authorities for a Hong Kong Solicitor to be employed by a Mainland firm
Applications by Foreign Lawyers
1. Application Form for a Certificate of Standing by a Foreign Lawyer
Applications by Hong Kong Law Firms
1. Application Form for a Certificate of Standing addressed to the Ministry of Justice of the People’s Republic of China for the purpose of establishing a representative office in the Mainland
2. Application Form for a Certificate of Standing for the purpose of establishing an association between a Hong Kong law firm and a Mainland firm under CEPA
3. Application Form for a Certificate of Standing addressed to the appropriate authority overseas for the purpose of establishing an overseas branch office by a Hong Kong law firm
Applications by Foreign Law Firms
1. Application Form for a Certificate of Standing by a Foreign Law Firm

For enquiries, please contact the Assistant Director, Registration at