Submit Application (for Lawyers & Law Firms) Submit Application (for Students)   

Submission of Documents 

Individual participants and law firms must submit the following items along with the online application (Distinguished Service Awards applicants should also submit multimedia materials separately to designated Sharepoint folder) on or before Friday, 18 October, 2024.

Individual Awards

Personal review of performing pro bono and community services / Share of thoughts of being awarded (max. 50 words)
Personal photo

Law Firm Awards

Review of performing pro bono and community services / Share of thoughts of being awarded (max. 50 words)
Company logo
* Applicants who are involved in the Work that falls into the category of 2024 theme “Diversity and Inclusion” will automatically run for the Special Award For The Year.  No additional application is necessary.
* Trainee solicitors and members (including registered foreign lawyers) with 5 years P.Q.E. or below who participated in pro bono and community work of not less than 100 hours within the Recognition Period will automatically run for the Young Lawyer Special Award. No additional application is necessary.
* Individual applicants / participating law firms who / that had joined the Programme during the recognition period will automatically run for Improvement Awards and Pro Bono and Community Service 10-Year Achievement Award. No additional application is necessary.

Distinguished Pro Bono Service Award / Distinguished Community Service Award

Personal review of performing pro bono and community services / Share of thoughts of being awarded (max. 50 words)
Personal particulars of nominator(s)
Narrative from nominator(s) (max. 1,000 words)
Narrative from the nominee (max. 500 words)
Letter(s) of Support
A video of at least one minute and any photos/promotional materials (optional) regarding pro bono and community services undertaken (please refer to Note 4)
7. Personal photo

Distinguished Pro Bono Law Firm Award / Distinguished Community Service Law Firm Award

Review of performing pro bono and community services / Share of thoughts of being awarded (max. 50 words)
Personal particulars of nominator(s)
Narrative from nominator(s) (max. 1,000 words)
Narrative from the nominated law firm (max. 500 words)
Letter(s) of Support
A video of at least one minute and any photos/promotional materials regarding pro bono and community services undertaken (please refer to Note 4)
7. Company logo

Student Awards

1. Review of performing pro bono and community services / Share of thoughts of being awarded (max. 50 words)
2. Personal photo (please refer to Note 5)



The Personal review / Review of performing pro bono and community services / Share of thoughts of being awarded will be published in the event programme as an acknowledgement to the winners of the Gold Award, Young Lawyer Award and Distinguished Awards.
All personal photos and company logos should be in JPEG format (File size: maximum 4MB; Resolution: 300 dpi or above; Colour mode: RGB/CMYK). They will be published in the event programme / booklet as an acknowledgement to award receipients. Only photos and logos of the award recipients will be published.
All supporting documents should be in MS Word doc/docx or Acrobat PDF format (File size: maximum 4MB each).
4. (For Distinguished Service Awards) Please follow the instructions below for submission:
  • Complete and submit the online application form.
  • An individual link for video submission will be sent to your registered email address.
  • Upload all related materials according to the following format.
    • Photos should be in JPG file (File size: maximum 1MB in total)
    • Videos should be in MP4 format (File size: maximum 200MB in total)
    • Promotional materials i.e. poster should be in PDF/JPG (File size: maximum 5MB in total)
(For Student Awards) Please submit your personal photo in JPEG format to after the submission of application form.


Nomination Procedures for Distinguished Service Awards

Individual applicants and law firms that apply for the Distinguished Service Awards have to be nominated by the nominator(s).
Narrative(s) by nominator(s) should be submitted. The nominator should explain why the individual or the law firm is being nominated and why they deserve to win the award. The narrative should be limited to 1,000 words and should provide background information about the individual or the law firm, the pro bono activities undertaken and the impact of these activities.
A narrative by nominee or nominated law firm should be submitted. The nominee or nominated law firm should describe his/her/the firm’s outstanding achievements and significant contribution in pro bono and community work. The narrative should be limited to 500 words. Nominee of Distinguished Pro Bono Service Award and Distinguished Community Service Award should indicate how he/she has mobilised and motivated others to participate in pro bono and community services. Nominee of Distinguished Community Service Award should also provide a detailed description of how he/she has applied his/her innovative ideas in volunteering in community services.
Letters of support should be submitted.
All nominations will be checked by the Committee and reviewed by the Judging Panel.


Eligibility of Nominator for Distinguished Service Awards

Each nominator can make one or more nominations.
The nominator has to be Hong Kong residents, public or private organisations in Hong Kong; the nominator should not be related to the candidate.
Members of the Pro Bono and Community Work Recognition Committee and the Judging Panel are not eligible to nominate or be nominated.